in masa “black1962” kubo飯島直子⑤ – “Dirty Love”[1973] by FZ & The Mothers 2022-01-23, 10:01 下午 1.8k Views ナオちゃんが残ってました、FZのヴォーカルは不気味だけど味わいがあるかなと。超低音ヴォーカルは変調させたFZ自身の声だ …Read LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to CollectionRelated Posts:高田ゆき - "Penguin In Bondage"[Live at ROXY,1973][1974]…小谷ゆみ⑫ - "Village of The Sun"[Live at…永尾まりや - "Zomby Woof"[1973] by FZ & The Mothers [1993…紅地 秋 - "Let It Ride" by Bachman-Turner Overdrive…飯島直子⑧ - "Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad"[Live 1970]…松尾嘉代 - "Casserole Me Over"[1973] by Yvonne Elliman 0 shares