in masa “black1962” kubo小瀬田麻由③ – “Long Distance Love”[1975] ~ “Down The Road”[1974] by Little Feat 2022-05-30, 8:51 下午 1.7k Views 遠恋バラード、恐らくヴァレリー・カーターとの恋を歌った曲ではないでしょうか?メドレー2曲目は『アメイジング!』(Feats …Read LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to CollectionRelated Posts:水崎綾女 - "Spanish Moon"[1974] by Little Feat片岡沙耶 - "Spanish Moon"[1974 Single Version] by Little…谷 桃子③ - "Rock and Roll Doctor"[1974] by Little Feat…山岸真璃子 - "Lonesome Whistle"[Live : Late 1974 ] by…菜乃花⑨ - "All That You Dream"[1975 Single Version] by…小谷ゆみ⑬ - "All That You Dream"[1975] by Little Feat…0 shares