in masa “black1962” kubo小田かおる&滝川真子 – “Elvis Has Just Left The Building” [Live in Europe 1988] by Frank Zappa [1988][HD] 2022-10-22, 1:49 上午 1.7k Views やはり全てを映像で構成した方がベターと差し替え。BGMはブロードウェイ・ザ・ハードウェイ・ツアーから、”エルヴィスが生存 …Read LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to CollectionRelated Posts:山中知恵 - "Baby Snakes"[1979] by Frank Zappa七森美江、美翔芽里 - "Lemme Take To The Beach"[1969 - 76] ~…中村果生莉 - "Cocaine Decisions"[1981-82] by ZAPPA [1988…熊田曜子③ - "Sleep Dirt"[1974] by Frank Zappa [1979][Bob…小林令子、美翔芽里 - "Charlie's Enormous Mouth"[1981] by ZAPPA [HD]神崎 恵② - "Disco Boy" [Live at The Palladium, NYC…0 shares