in masa “black1962” kubo小谷ゆみ⑫ – “Village of The Sun”[Live at ROXY,1973][1974] by ZAPPA / MOTHERS 2021-09-30, 4:12 下午 1.9k Views 『ROXY & ELSEWHERE』からのロカバラード、FZのアンティロープ・ヴァレー・ハイスクール時代の思い出をナポレオン・ …Read LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to CollectionRelated Posts:高田ゆき - "Penguin In Bondage"[Live at ROXY,1973][1974]…中村果生莉 - "Cocaine Decisions"[1981-82] by ZAPPA [1988…熊田曜子③ - "Sleep Dirt"[1974] by Frank Zappa [1979][Bob…山中知恵 - "Baby Snakes"[1979] by Frank Zappa永尾まりや - "Zomby Woof"[1973] by FZ & The Mothers [1993…飯島直子⑤ - "Dirty Love"[1973] by FZ & The Mothers 0 shares